Participation of the health care promotion entities in the market of health insurance in Colombia, 1995-1998


  • Alvaro Cardona Universidad de Antioquia



EPS, health Insurance system, social security reform


The Law 100 of 1993 defined a legal framework seeking to consolidate a health insurance system based on market. In that context, the "Entidades Promotoras de Salud" (EPS) play the role of affiliating and receive, by assignment, the quotation of those who should affiliate to the Contributive Regime, as well as to manage funds destined to ensure poorer people to the Subsided Regime. In this article the participation of individual
EPS in the health insurance system during the 1995-1998 period is analyzed. The basic information was taken from a research carried out by teachers of the National Faculty of Public Health (University of Antioquia) and directed by the author. It was analyzed separately the Contributive Regime and the Subsided Regime. Measures of frequency and proportions were used to make comparison between different EPS. It is concluded that private EPS tend to gain higher participation in the health insurance market, while the public ones face serious problems and are losing importance.
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How to Cite

Cardona A. Participation of the health care promotion entities in the market of health insurance in Colombia, 1995-1998 . Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2012 Nov. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];17(1). Available from:




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