Family planning barriers in marginal contexts in Mexico City, Federal District: vision of the health care provider


  • Marcela Agudelo Botero The College of Mexico



family planning, sexual and reproductive health, unsatisfied needs, barriers to health care, Federal District


Objective: To approach the barriers to providing services of family planning in marginal areas of Iztapalapa and Tlalpan in the Federal District of Mexico City, from the perspective of health providers. Methodology: Qualitative exploration involved through focus groups with healthcare providers, both public and private, further topics such as socio-environmental, unmet needs in sexual and reproductive health (including family planning), relations gender, among others. Results: We found that among the main obstacles to access to family planning services are misinformation, culture and population beliefs, the inadequate training of health professionals in related areas, the shortage methods o f contraception, the deficiency infrastructure and resources. The barriers perceived by providers are coming from the people, and seldom alluded to the barriers arising from service of their own profession and/or personal convictions. Conclusion: Although the study focused on a specific social environment, this could reflect a reality in other contexts with similar characteristics, so this work constitutes a contribution to both practical and methodological analysis of the phenomenon.
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How to Cite

Agudelo Botero M. Family planning barriers in marginal contexts in Mexico City, Federal District: vision of the health care provider. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Sep. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];27(2):1-8. Available from:


