Backpacks with ergonomic quality: Grille to reduce load and posture risks
ergonomics, product design, military personnel, low back pain, photogrammetry, simulation modelAbstract
Objective: Evaluate the viability of a novel structural grill concept for military training backpacks, intended to reduce the load on the spine and enhance posture during back flexion exercises.
Methods: Phase 1 involved conducting an experimental investigation on six soldiers to collect back flexion data that the participants believed would be used in real-world scenarios. Afterwards, using this data, the postures were digitally simulated to calculate the intradiscal force in the L4/L5 using a 3D biomechanical model.
Results: Using the proposed grid instead of the existing one results in an average 257 newton drop in the compression force on the intervertebral disc, or a 27.18% decrease (p-value <0.001). Similarly, the study demonstrated that using the new grid system results in more neutral postural behavior of back flexion (p-value <0.001).
Conclusion: By shifting some of the weight to other body parts with higher load capacities, this innovative grill idea lessens the strain on the intervertebral discs. This results in a more even distribution of the backpack’s weight over the body. In Colombia, musculoskeletal problems are a public health concern. As a result, it’s critical to produce knowledge that scientists can utilize to help designers create items that are high-quality and ergonomic
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