Methodological aspects of Guidelines of Clinical Practice conducted at the University of Antioquia based on the methodological guide of the Ministry of Health and Protection of Colombia




body of evidence, guidelines development, GRANDE, quality assessment, recommendations


In 2010 The Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MOH) started a process to develop several evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPG) according to the main health priorities of the country. The National Center for Research in Evidence and Technologies in Health (an Alliance between the University of Antioquia, University Javeriana and National University of Colombia) conducted 90% of the 55 GPCs funded by the MOH; of these, the University of Antioquia leaded the development of eight. This article describes the methodological steps that were followed for the preparation of these GPC, including: creating the guideline development group, defining the focus, scope and objectives, defining the clinical question, rating the quality of primary studies, and synthesis of evidence. Subsequently, we describe the process to assess the quality of the evidence with “The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE)” system and to formulate the recommendations. We also explain the economic assessments as well as the proposal for the implementation of the GPC. We presented a synthesis of the experience of this project at the University of Antioquia presented.

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Author Biographies

Luz Helena Lugo-Agudelo, University of Antioquia. Las Americas Clinic.

Doctor. Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Magister in Clinical Epidemiology. Coordinator of the Health Rehabilitation Group. 

Juan Manuel Senior, University of Antioquia. San Vicente Foundation University Hospital

Coordinator of the postgraduate program in Clinical Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology, Interventional Cardiologist, San Vicente Foundation University Hospital, Medellín, Colombia. 

Paola Ramírez

Librarian. Documentalist certified by the Red Cochrane Iberoamérica. 

María del Pilar Pastor-Durango, University of Antioquia

Nurse, Master in Public Health, Doctor in Public Health Sciences, University of Antioquia. 


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How to Cite

Lugo-Agudelo LH, Senior JM, Ramírez P, Pastor-Durango M del P. Methodological aspects of Guidelines of Clinical Practice conducted at the University of Antioquia based on the methodological guide of the Ministry of Health and Protection of Colombia. Iatreia [Internet]. 2017 May 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 28];29(4-S2):S11-41. Available from:




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