Primary care program for the ophidic accident
Snake bite, Primary CareAbstract
In order to reduce morbidly, mortality and sequels of snake bite in Colombia, particularly In the Departments of Antioquia and Chocó, we propose a Primary Care Program that would include education of the communities, training of auxiliary personnel on the proper care of snake bites (use of antivenoms and electrolyte solutions) in rural and distant locations; treatment of these accidents according to the level of severity within the pyramid of the Colombian National Health System; permanent and adequate supplies (antivenoms, antibiotics, electrolyte solutions, antiallergy drugs, stethoscopes and sphigmomanometers); epidemiological surveillance of the program and of the main factors involved in this public health problem. The aid of suitable communications and remission systems and of other professional groups from each town or region is very important. The participation of the community in every phase of the program and a coordination by the University are essential.
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