Pharmacologic implications of peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPAR)


  • Sergio Parra Universidad de Antioquia
  • Luis Carlos Mejía Rivera Escuela de Medicina y Centro Médico San Juan Bautista



Peroxisome Proliferators, Thiazolidinediones, fibrates, Diabetes, Dyslipidemias, Lipoproteins


PPAR are a group of proteins, members of the receptors located within the nucleus. These receptors modulate DNA transcriptional activity by binding to specific response elements on target genes. To date, three main types of PPAR have been identified designed α, δand γthese receptors are involved in the regulation of diferent metabolic processes, being the group of receptors more intensely studied. PPARαare greatly involved in both catabolism of fatty acids and transport of extracellular lipids; fibrates, their agonists, are of proved usefulness in some dyslipidemias. Thiazolidinediones used as antihyperglicemiant agents are PPARγagonists, but their relationship with carbohydrate metabolism is not yet clear; nevertheless, their use in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus is of increasing importance. On the other hand, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents are somehow related with PPARδfunctions; up to date a molecular and epidemiologic relationship of these drugs and receptors with colon cancer has been established.
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Author Biographies

Sergio Parra, Universidad de Antioquia

MD, Estudiante de Maestría área Farmacología, posgrado Corporación Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas, profesor departamento de Farmacología y Toxicología, Universidad de Antioquia.

Luis Carlos Mejía Rivera, Escuela de Medicina y Centro Médico San Juan Bautista

MD, Especialista en Farmacología; Profesor asistente e investigador de farmacología clínica, Escuela de Medicina y Centro Médico San Juan Bautista, Puerto Rico, EE.UU.



How to Cite

Parra S, Mejía Rivera LC. Pharmacologic implications of peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPAR). Iatreia [Internet]. 2001 Jan. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];14(1):pág. 35-46. Available from:



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