No. 99 (2021): Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Apr-Jun 2021)
General Information
|Abstract = 555 veces | PDF = 474 veces|
Semi-automatic construction of video game design prototypes with MaruGen
|Abstract = 1100 veces | PDF = 862 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Assessment of semantic similarity in entities under monitoring: a systematic literature mapping
|Abstract = 533 veces | PDF = 474 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Determination of photovoltaic power by modeling solar radiation with Gamma distribution in the CEDER microgrid
|Abstract = 1203 veces | HTML = 0 veces| | PDF = 834 veces| -
Correlation between sensory and instrumental measurements of saltiness in Queso Molido Narinense
|Abstract = 2182 veces | PDF = 976 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Heritage education experience supported in augmented reality
|Abstract = 1895 veces | PDF = 1379 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Efficiency of underground retention systems and reduction of urban floods in Tepic, Mexico
|Abstract = 1079 veces | PDF = 789 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Over-voltage protection for grid-connected picohydro generation using photovoltaic inverters
|Abstract = 1198 veces | PDF = 898 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Erosion and progradation in the Atrato River delta: A spatiotemporal analysis with Google Earth Engine
|Abstract = 2000 veces | PDF = 1163 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
SATReLO: A tool to support language therapies for children with hearing disabilities using video games
|Abstract = 1736 veces | PDF = 796 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Game-based collaborative learning framework for computational thinking development
|Abstract = 2087 veces | PDF = 1338 veces| | HTML = 0 veces|