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Batista Junior, J. R., Sato, D. T. B., Melo, I. F. (Orgs.) (2018). Análise de Discurso Crítica para Linguistas e não Linguistas. São Paulo: Parábola, 224 pp.


  • Antonio Escandiel de Souza Cruz Alta University
  • Carla Rosane Da Silva Tavares Alves Cruz Alta University
  • Ana Luisa Moser Keitel Cruz Alta University





A obra Análise de Discurso Crítica para Linguistas e não Linguistas, organizada por José Ribamar Lopes Batista Jr., doutor em Linguística pela Universidade de Brasília, Denise Tamaê Borges Sato, também doutora em Linguística pela Universidade de Brasília, e Iran Ferreira de Melo, doutor em Letras/ Filosofia e Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade de São Paulo, explora a vertente da Análise de Discurso Crítica (ADC) de maneira didática. Para tanto, traz a evolução do pensamento em torno da teoria social do discurso, as bases filosóficas, pressupostos teóricos e a prática da pesquisa social crítica, reunindo a contribuição de doze renomados pesquisadores de diferentes instituições de ensino superior brasileiras.

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Author Biographies

Antonio Escandiel de Souza, Cruz Alta University

He holds a PhD in Letters (Applied Linguistics) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2009), a Master's degree in Letters (Linguistic Studies) from the Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil), a Specialization in Textual Linguistics from the University of Cruz Alta (Brazil) and a degree in Letters - Habilitation Portuguese / English from the University of Cruz Alta (Brazil). Full professor at the University of Cruz Alta UNICRUZ (Brazil) since 1997; he has experience in linguistics (Applied Linguistics), developing research with emphasis on the relationship between language and society, studies that aim to bring the university context closer to society and the school of basic education, especially public schools. He is currently professor and adjunct coordinator of the aforementioned PPG, working in the line of research language, communication and society and giving the courses Language and Society, Teaching in Higher Education and Research Seminar I. He serves as the editor-in-chief of Di@logus, the PPG's journal in sociocultural practices and social development. He is an alternate councillor of the Board of Trustees of the University of Cruz Alta - UNICRUZ (Brazil). He also acts as ad hoc evaluator of the National System of Evaluation of Higher Education (BASIS) by INEP/MEC.

Carla Rosane Da Silva Tavares Alves, Cruz Alta University

She holds a degree in Portuguese/English and Literature from the Association of Professors of Cruz Alta (Brazil), a degree in Law from the University of Cruz Alta (Brazil), a Master's degree in Letters from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and a Doctorate in Letters from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul  (Brazil). She is full professor of the University of Cruz Alta  (Brazil). She has experience in literature, with emphasis on theory of literature, Brazilian literature, Hispanic-American literature, Portuguese language and language and legal argumentation. She develops research projects in the field of comparative literature and gender studies and feminist criticism (PIBIC, PAPCT/UNICRUZ, ARD - FAPERGS), as well as sociocultural representations, through language. She is currently coordinator of the PPG in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development of the University of Cruz Alta (Brazil), working in the line of research language, communication and society, and giving the courses of Cultural Representations: Literature and Cinema, Language and Society, Research Seminar i and Research Seminar ii. Civil Judicial Mediator.

Ana Luisa Moser Keitel, Cruz Alta University

Master's student in the graduate program in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development at the University of Cruz Alta (Brazil). He holds a degree in Law from the University of Cruz Alta  (Brazil). She is a researcher at the Linguistic Studies Group - GEL/UNICRUZ (Brazil) and a researcher at the Legal Studies Group - GPJUR/ UNICRUZ (Brazil). She has a Master's scholarship from CAPES (Brazil). She is a Lawyer registered with OAB/ RS, n. 112.439. She has experience in law, with emphasis on law, acting mainly on the following topics: language, simplification, justice, family law, inheritance law, consumer law, and criminal law.


1. Fairclough, N. (1989). Language and Power. New York: Longman.
2. Fairclough, N. (2001). Discurso e Mudança Social (Tradução de Izabel Magalhães). Brasília: Editorial. Universidade de Brasília.
3. Fairclough, N. (2006). Language and Globalization. London: Routledge.
4. Rajagopalan, K. (2002). Linguagem e cognição do ponto de vista da Linguística Crítica. Veredas Revista de Estudos Linguísticos, 6(1), 91-104, Juiz de Fora.




How to Cite

de Souza, A. E., Da Silva Tavares Alves, C. R., & Moser Keitel, A. L. (2021). Batista Junior, J. R., Sato, D. T. B., Melo, I. F. (Orgs.) (2018). Análise de Discurso Crítica para Linguistas e não Linguistas. São Paulo: Parábola, 224 pp. Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(80), 385–389.

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