Nutritional Status and Body Composition in Chilean Lyrical Singers in Relation to Voice Tessitura


  • Diamela Carías Picón University of Development
  • Elso Molina University of Development
  • Paulina Ananías University of Development
  • Vitoria Halabí University of Development
  • Constanza Neira University of Development



Voice, voice quality, nutritional status, body composition, Chile


Background: Some studies suggest that nutritional status and body composition can affect the voice. Objective: Compare nutritional status and body composition of lyrical singers with the tessitura of their voices. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out in healthy lyrical singers of both sexes from the city of Concepción, Chile. The signers classified themselves as soprano, mezzo-soprano and alto (women), and tenor, baritone, and bass (men). BMI and waist circumference were determined in an evaluation of body composition, along with fat mass, muscle mass, bone mass, skin and residual mass. Results: 73.5 % of the singers were overweight, while 47 % showed abdominal obesity. Female singers with a deeper voice (alto) showed higher waist circumference and body fat values than sopranos and mezzo-sopranos. Among men, no differences were found in nutritional status or body composition associated with voice tessitura. Conclusion: Data show a possible relationship between nutritional status, body composition, and tessitura in lyrical singers. This is a relationship that warrants examination in future studies.

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Author Biographies

Diamela Carías Picón, University of Development

Corresponding author. B.Sc. in Biology. M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Nutrition. Universidad del Desarrollo. Concepción-Chile

Elso Molina, University of Development

Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Universidad del Desarrollo. Concepción-Chile.

Paulina Ananías, University of Development

Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Universidad del Desarrollo. Concepción-Chile.

Vitoria Halabí, University of Development

Nutritionist. Master in Health Sciences Education. Universidad del Desarrollo. Concepción-Chile.

Constanza Neira, University of Development

Nurse. Master in Epidemiology. Universidad del Desarrollo. Concepción-Chile.


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How to Cite

Carías Picón, D., Molina, E., Ananías, P., Halabí, V., & Neira, C. (2020). Nutritional Status and Body Composition in Chilean Lyrical Singers in Relation to Voice Tessitura. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 22(2), 151–161.


