A literature review on the causal relationship between Occlusal Factors (OF) and Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) V: effect of changes in occlusal factors achieved with orthodontic treatment


  • Rodolfo Acosta-Ortíz Medicina Dental Nova Southeastern University
  • Blanca Patricia Rojas-Sarria Private Office


Occlusion, Temporomandibular disorders, Etiology, Occlusal factors, Temporomandibular joint, Orthodontic treatment


Introduction: this is the fifth article in this series, which aims to present a literature review regarding the causal relationship between occlusal factors (OF) and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Methods: This article presents and analyzes epidemiological reports (cross-sectional and analytical) in which the relationship between orthodontic treatment (OT) and TMD was studied. Results: most of the reports (70%) did not support any association between OT and TMD development. Conclusion: even though the general tendency was the lack of association between OT and TMDs throughout different reports, perhaps in the future, an improvement in the research design will allow obtaining more concrete results that can help us reach a solid interpretation about the relationship between OT and TMDs. Other factors, such as genetics, may play a role as confounding variables and should be studied and considered in the etiology, prevention, or management of TMDs. Apart from the possible relationship between OT and TMDs, an important clinical recommendation is to carry out the appropriate TMD screening in patients who will receive an OT.

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Author Biographies

Rodolfo Acosta-Ortíz, Medicina Dental Nova Southeastern University

Dentist from the Universidad de Valle, MS, Advanced Clinical Training in Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain, Master of Science with emphasis in Epidemiology. University of Minnesota, USA, Associate Professor Department of Prosthodontics. Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine. Florida, USA

Blanca Patricia Rojas-Sarria, Private Office

Dentist Universidad del Valle. Advanced Education in General Dentistry, Clinical training in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and certificate of Specialist in Orthodontics. Eastman Dental Center of the University of Rochester, USA. Private practice in orthodontics, Pompano Beach, Florida, USA


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Acosta-Ortiz R, Rojas BP. Una revisión de la literatura sobre la relación causal entre los factores oclusales (FO) y los desórdenes temporomandibulares (DTM) II: estudios epidemiológicos analíticos de observación. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq. 2006; 18(1): 55-67.

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How to Cite

Acosta-Ortíz, R., & Rojas-Sarria, B. P. (2011). A literature review on the causal relationship between Occlusal Factors (OF) and Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) V: effect of changes in occlusal factors achieved with orthodontic treatment. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 22(2), 205–226. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/odont/article/view/7123

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