Social Representation of Resident Homeless
Social Representations, home-lessness, exclusion, body, territory, law, discriminationAbstract
Social representations (SR) are cognitive elaborations, structured and shared by a community. SRs are defined by an interpretative system that provides a group of individuals with common referents. The current research identifies the social representations that Medellin City’s homeless people have about their condition, and those SR that municipal administrators and social workers have about them. For this exploratory research ten interviews were conducted with homeless people, and another ten with municipal workers from Medellin’s Care System for the Homeless. It is concluded from the research that there is no unified Social Representation for the people concerned with Medellin’s Care System for the Homeless. But it is possible to describe an agreement about the social cognitive processes that create the homeless Social Representations, and that determine the judgments and actions concerning the object of the representation.
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