The Importance of Studying the Role of the Modality of Presentation of Discourse in the Generation of Causal Inferences
nference Generation, Discourse Comprehension, Causal Connections, Necessary and Optional Inferences, Written Discourse, Spoken DiscourseAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to present a selection of topics that have been approached in the investigation of the generation of causal inferences in the comprehension of written discourse, and to describe preliminary studies that have began to approach its role in the comprehension of spoken discourse. With this aim, I will present studies that have focused on the generation of necessary and optional inferences, and will emphasize the generation of inferences that involve the establishment of causal connections among statements in the comprehension of written discourse. In addition, I will present studies that have begun to explore the role of the generation of these inferences in the comprehension of spoken discourse.
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