Strategies for the implementation of politics of social responsibility at the university, in the marc of the programs in the regions
social responsibility with the university (SRU), programsin the regions, transversalAbstract
In this article is described some politics and strategies about social responsibility that have begun to run at the University of Antioquia, in the marc of the programs in the regions. One of the aspects of the Social Responsibilities with the University (SRU), is showed when is attained the articulation of the studies planes of the different pre degrees that are offered en the seats of the University of Antioquia, matters with content of transversal type that permit to incorporate the knowledge that offer the different views of the know, with the sensitization of the students about their problematic and the need of look forsolutionsthat contribute to the regional develop, starting for a integral transformation that givesto the society ethics professionals and responsible citizen with the environment.
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