In search of a more inclusive lifestyle for the adult withintellectual handicar
Intellectual handicap, quality of Ufe, transition programs to adulthood, citizens formation, inclusive educationAbstract
The purpose of this añide is to present the relationship existent between the concept of quality of Ufe and of transition to the adult Ufe ofthe intellectually handicapped person. At the same time, some orientation for the design ofprograms that: make easier that transition to adulthood for the handicapped people, as well as, encourage and guarantee their quality oflife, and position them as competent citizens capable of living up to the demands presented by the society in lohich they Uve and are fulfilled, are given.
How to reference this article:
RAMÍREZ SALAZAR, Doris Adriana, "En busca de un estilo de vida más inclusivo para las personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual", Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, Vol. XVII, N.° 41, (enero-abril), 2005, pp. 85-94.
Received: february 2005
Accepted: may 2005
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