Schools and “abnormal” children. The analysis of Michel Foucault


  • Bernard Vandewalle IUFM
  • Alejandro Rendón Valencia


Michel Foucault, special education, abnormal infancy, abnormality, discipline, genealogy of special education, educational care


Special education has long been concerned with the so-called “abnormal” kids. This article deals with the historical genealogy of the category abnormality, by asking ¿in which way have schools so far taken care of those different kids? This implies an analysis of the progressive constitution of the disciplinary practices and normative discourses that are at the origin of special education and, even more, an elucidation of what is at stake in our times. For this purpose, the conceptual tools proposed by Michel Foucault have been used in the context of this genealogical procedure, which allows to witness the emergence, at the same time, of a normative pedagogical power —based on a disciplinary rationality—, and of an alternative model: the one of educative care, attentive to the freedom of children.


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Author Biographies

Bernard Vandewalle, IUFM

Doctor of Philosophy, professor at the Instituts Universitaires de Formation des Maîtres (IUFM) of La Réunion.

Alejandro Rendón Valencia

Estudiante del pregrado de la Licenciatura
en Filosofía, integrante del Semillero
Grupo de Investigación sobre
Formación y Antropología Pedagógica
e Histórica (Formaph), coinvestigador
del proyecto “Paradigmas y
conceptos en educación y pedagogía”,
subproyecto “Escuela abierta”.


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How to Cite

Vandewalle, B., & Rendón Valencia, A. (2011). Schools and “abnormal” children. The analysis of Michel Foucault. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 22(57), 203–214. Retrieved from