Researchers ́ voices projecting on the horizons of documentary information systems


  • Edilma Naranjo Vélez University of Antioquia



documentary research, documentary information systems, university teaching, teaching strategy


Documentary Information Systems (DIS) facilitate teaching and learning processes in education. This idea accompanies the presentation of findings of this documentary research, which intended to examine, understand, and interpret, from a hermeneutical perspective, the contributions of a group of researchers who addressed the topic of teaching and library studies in order to design a theoretical and methodological strategy to teach educators how to use DIS in the classroom, encouraging  them  to  transcend  memorization  and  repetition  of  content  and  to  transform  into  knowledge the information presented and discussed in the classroom —the actual main goal of this dissertation—. For this purpose, an arrangement of categories allowed analyzing selected primary sources in order to assess the status of the subject matter, as well as the main trends. Categories such as research problem and question, objectives, hypothesis, type of research, conceptual framework, emerging concepts, and research findings served as the background that validated this dissertation. 

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Author Biography

Edilma Naranjo Vélez, University of Antioquia

Librarian from the University of Antioquia, Master in Library Science from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, PhD in Education from the University of Antioquia. Professor, Inter-American School of Librarianship, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Naranjo Vélez, E. (2013). Researchers ́ voices projecting on the horizons of documentary information systems. Uni-Pluriversidad, 13(1), 36–49.




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