Co-variational thinking in optimization situations modeled by dynamic geometry environments


  • Nelson Javier Rueda Rueda Industrial University of Santander
  • Sandra Evely Parada Rico Industrial University of Santander



modeling situations, mental actions, levels of reasoning


This article presents some of the findings of a study developed in a pre-calculus course with students re-entering the university, with the intention of characterizing cognitive abilities associated with processes of representation of variation phenomena that can be enhanced through problem solving mediated by digital technologies. In this article we show the initial results of a case study which describes the way in which two students reason in a co-variational manner while facing optimization situations modeled by a dynamic geometry environment. The co-variational reasoning was described using the conceptual framework proposed by Carlson, Jacobs, Coe, Larsen and Hsu (2003). The students’ performance allowed demonstrating the possible advantages of using interactive software in modifying their behaviors linked to co-variational reasoning. Similarly, there are certain characteristics that may be related to the permanence of students in certain levels of reasoning, as well as their flexibility.

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Author Biographies

Nelson Javier Rueda Rueda, Industrial University of Santander

Master’s Degree in Mathematical Education. School of Mathematics at the Industrial University of Santander.

Sandra Evely Parada Rico, Industrial University of Santander

Professor at the School of Mathematics at the Industrial University of Santander.


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How to Cite

Rueda Rueda, N. J., & Parada Rico, S. E. (2016). Co-variational thinking in optimization situations modeled by dynamic geometry environments. Uni-Pluriversidad, 16(1), 51–63.




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