Assessment in Mathematical Modelling Education: A Critical Review of Literature


  • Jonathan Sánchez-Cardona Institución Educativa Escuela Normal Superior Rafael María Giraldo, Marinilla y Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín
  • Paula Andrea Rendón-Mesa Institución Educativa Pedro Luis Álvarez Correa, Caldas Antioquia y Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín



assessment, professional field


International research in educational assessment and mathematical modelling have been theme of interest in last decades. There are studies that have been concerned with the evaluation of the modelling competence, instruments and assessment scope; but research on assessed knowledge and its relationship with professional development is required to identify the purposes, phases, strategies and training interests on which the research on evaluation in mathematical modelling is focused. Therefore, a critical review of literature was carried out through document search procedures and inclusion, exclusion and analysis criteria. A broad outlook was found regarding the conceptions and focus of the assessment. This review also showed that attention is not only focused on mathematical knowledge and processes, but on the elements of modelling, when assessing mathematical modelling. This review provides two important results, one in relation to the purposes and instruments of assessment and another in coherence with the phases and modelling processes that are assessed.

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Author Biographies

Jonathan Sánchez-Cardona, Institución Educativa Escuela Normal Superior Rafael María Giraldo, Marinilla y Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín

Es Licenciando en Educación Básica con énfasis en Matemáticas y magíster en Educación de la Universidad de Antioquia. Profeosr de la Institución Educativa Escuela Normal Superior Rafael María Giraldo del Municipio de Marinilla (Antioquia)  y de la Universidad de Antioquia en Medellín

Paula Andrea Rendón-Mesa, Institución Educativa Pedro Luis Álvarez Correa, Caldas Antioquia y Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín

Es licenciada en Matemáticas y Física, Magíster y Doctora en Educación de la Universidad de Antioquia. Es profesora de la Institución Educativa Pedro Luis Álvarez Correa del Municipio de Caldas Antioquia y de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Cardona, J., & Rendón-Mesa, P. A. (2023). Assessment in Mathematical Modelling Education: A Critical Review of Literature. Uni-Pluriversidad, 23(1-2), 1–16.




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