Evolution of Teaching Practice and its Impact on University Academic Performance through the Action-Research Program (ARP)
Action-Research, active learning, learning environments, teaching stylesAbstract
The objective of this study, developed from 2016 to 2019, is to show the evolution of teaching practice through an Action-Research Program (ARP). Active learning environments were promoted and developed by applying teaching-learning strategies to improve the interaction between teacher-student-teaching material. This research was qualitative to get information from the teacher through analytical programs and the self-reports of teaching inventories; also, it was descriptive to analyze the information collected from the students on their academic performance and the better activities for learning. With the ARP teaching-learning methodology, during the study period, the average approval rate increased from 51% to 64%. It is due to an interaction between peers and teaching material which promoted an effective learning in such a way that students became more reflective. Regarding the teacher-student interaction, the teacher came closer to the student through the supervision of the group work in class and through conversations with the students about their academic performance. This study has shown that the teacher, when using the action-research method, has become the action-reflection process a habit of continuous improvement in each academic period being more aware of his teaching practice and its evolution and influencing the student academic performance.
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