Daily live and geography teaching
daily life, teaching geography, geography didacticsAbstract
This article presents some reflections and debates around some problems, challenges and potential fields for the teaching of geography, generated within the Interinstitutional Group Geopaideia. The research experience of the teachers that belong to this group is marked within this framework of reference, as well as their doubts, views, interpretations and challenges in social science teacher training, and particularly in geography.
The geographical area is used as basis for geography teaching; hence, human actions around it; and it is understood as a social or historical category cross by the experience of those who constitute it, and as a stage to read the multiple and contrasting forms of interactions with it. Daily living, the core of this paper, is assumed as the experience of the subject in the space, which goes from the simplest of such subject to the complex analysis of the spatial dynamics through mixing living experience -space. This becomes more relevant because it can be understood as an object of research, reflection and a school geography scenario; furthermore, if such is viewed fundamentally from the perspective of spatial interpretation, which in turn marks trends for other forms of geographical understanding in the school. A pedagogical and didactic presentation is made in order to contribute in the training of teachers, students and others interested in teaching geography from the foundation of emerging fields of the discipline, making emphasis on the value of everyday life and its observation in urban spaces.
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