The elusive world of educational constructions:A reflection in search of collective space -time in society
teaching, research, education, qualification, the scientific communityAbstract
Numerous public and private policies documents stress the need for teacher education to produce knowledgeable skillful people with teaching practices based on concepts of integrity, for which the social sciences could not be excluded. The need for qualified teachers in the 2Social Science areas is ascribed under the national policies established by the Ministry of Education and in particular the National Strategic Plan for Scientific Studies in Education, Colciencias, whose overall objectives are expressed in the National Contest for the presentation of research projects –2003. As a response to this, a systematic exercise was proposed in order to work for the qualification of social science teachers, fundamentally inspired in the question: How do you build basic disciplinary concepts in History and Geography to teaching Social Science in elementary schools at the Department of Tolima? Pointing out as specific objectives, the identification of those objectives related to teaching and learning and its nature, the problems faced by teaching and the methods to solve conflicts, the valid forms of argumentation and communication in a specific teaching process.
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