Development of food for an increasingly overweight population




Nowadays, obesity is considered one of the biggest problems in public health, by its high prevalence and the relationship between the not chronic diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, among others. At the global level, over-weight is increased not only in high-income countries, but mainly in the low and medium, substantially in urban environments. In developing countries close to 35 million people were identified with this problem, while that developed the amount just reaches 8 million.

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Author Biographies

Alejandro FRANCO-AGUILAR, Universidad de Antioquia

Nutritionist, MSc, PhD, Faculty of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Diana María GRANDA-RESTREPO, Universidad de Antioquia

College of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Food Science and Technology Professional, MSc, PhD, Full-Time Associate Professor

Juan Diego TORRES OQUENDO, Universidad de Antioquia

Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences, Professional in Food Science and Technology, PhD, Full-Time Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

FRANCO-AGUILAR, A., GRANDA-RESTREPO, D. M., & TORRES OQUENDO, J. D. (2018). Development of food for an increasingly overweight population. Vitae, 25(3), 118–119.


