Social games: aggression and shamanism among the Embera-Chamí people of Putumayo


  • Juan Carlos Rubiano Carvajal Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes



Shamanism, Embera, Social relations, Agression, Social perception, Intra-ehtnic relations


Abstract. The diverse types of perceptions and speeches that the members of a community have about shamanic actions and aggressions are determined by the degree of social and familiar proximity with individuals and victims of the shaman. Such perceptions vary in time and space owing to the movements and transformations of the social and familiar relations to which the individuals and victims belong. Through the following case study we show how excess of wealth is at the core of shamanic aggression and how this aggression seeks to equilibrate economic differences within the community.

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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Rubiano Carvajal, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes

Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, EPHE, Paris
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How to Cite

Rubiano Carvajal, J. C. (2010). Social games: aggression and shamanism among the Embera-Chamí people of Putumayo. Boletín De Antropología, 23(40), 32–54.


