Vol. 39 No. 67 (2024): Challenges, dilemmas and tensions of intermediation: reflections from positioned Social Research
In this Dossier, we want to show research results or reflections on ongoing research that address the dilemmas and tensions of positioning in the work on mediations and their applications in situated research. We are looking for contributions that examine how researchers reflect on their positioning during their work, and the personal, methodological, epistemic and social costs that this implies for them and the communities, actors, organizations or institutions with which they collaborate. In addition, we are interested in exploring the particularities of the knowledge produced from the mediation between activism and research, and the tensions between academic peers and fellow activists when making decisions and assuming positions. Finally, we want to investigate the new scenarios and contexts for intermediation in research and social science.
We seek to expand the circulation of works and reflections on the tensions, dilemmas and the type of knowledge that is produced from intermediaries (legal, political, social, linguistic, feminist, anti-racist, etc.) in different scenarios in Latin America. We start from the idea that questions about shared actions and co-labor in the Social Sciences, especially in contexts of violence, racism and inequality, are enriched from the analysis of intermediation. This aspect has received little attention in the development of reflexive methodologies, unlike studies on mediators as key figures in the phenomena under investigation and in theories of social change. Therefore, we aim to bring together papers that analyze positioning in intermediation/mediation in diverse settings, highlighting how these practices respond to alliances, commitments and collaborations that need to be explicit as starting points. We are also interested in exploring the tensions and dilemmas that these actions generate in our research and knowledge production.
Full Issue
Dossier presentation. Challenges, dilemmas and tensions of intermediation and positioned social research
|Abstract = 635 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 82 veces|
Racism through bodies processes of racialization and agricultural labor
|Abstract = 630 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 7 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 140 veces| -
Bodies, emotions and politics in anthropological research Experiences in two voices with women rights defenders in Veracruz, Mexico
|Abstract = 569 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 3 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 130 veces| -
“Anti-racist enunciation” in artistic practices in Colombia dialogues and in-comprehensions in collaborative research
|Abstract = 646 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 1 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 109 veces| -
Emotional community: A case of accompaniment to relatives, indirect victims of femicide in Chiapas, México
|Abstract = 704 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 79 veces| -
The praxis of co-labor research pathways, obstacles and strategies in working with indigenous women indigenous women activists against gender violence
|Abstract = 555 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 3 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 143 veces| -
Reative methodologies with a participatory approach (auto)recordings and drawings of the circular migrations of linguistic representations of young Honduran Garifuna youths
|Abstract = 514 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 77 veces| -
Spatializing emotions Participatory emotional cartographies of young women who inhabit spaces of violence in Mexico City
|Abstract = 667 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 3 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 119 veces|
Bibliographic review
On Ethnonyms and Their History in the Gran Chaco. Review of the Book:Tres ensayos de historia weenhayek/wichí by Isabelle Combès & Rodrigo Montani.
|Abstract = 555 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 56 veces|