To Learn the Craft of Qualitative Research: To Develop an Inquiring Self
learning, training, qualitative researchAbstract
The practice of qualitative research goes beyond procedures and techniques. In health care it is acknowledged as a specialized area bearing ethical and emotional components. Training in qualitative research implies both intellectual work and the task of molding a character; in other words: a way of being. In this kind of research, the question involves both being and doing. This paper invites to reflect on the training of qualitative researchers. Learning qualitative research is a situated and reflexive social practice in which tacit and formal knowledge must be gathered. There are at least four conditions promoting its learning: 1) time -its study must be constant2) failure, 3) relationships with others in a collaborative environment and 4) a master acting as a mediator between tacit and explicit knowledge. These conditions occur within the execution of a research project. However, there are three difficulties that educators and students of qualitative research commonly face: 1). the context of training, 2). pre-conceived ideas and 3). the need to sustain the desire to know over time. Who you are when learning the craft is critical in the training process; methods are what we make (out) of them. Research is an embodied practice.
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