Forming Researchers in Qualitative Health under Productivism: Sharing Concerns


  • Maria Lúcia Magalhães Bosi Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



qualitative research, research training, public health, qualitative methodology in health, health investigation


Objective: To analyze, from different perspectives, the formation of qualitative health researchers giving special emphasis to the productivist regime and its impacts on academic assessment. Method: conceptual construction exploring through reflective method, epistemological, ethical, political aspects which combine their aspects under a complex view. The scenario is the current context of the Brazilian collective health field, taken as an illustration of what has been happening in many other countries, where training in qualitative health research suffers major constraints due to the current conception of productivity. Results: In the contemporary social context, the founding values of productivism are evident, not only in the academic field, but in several spheres and spaces of social life. Intrinsic and extrinsic questions are presented as a challenge to this specific training, involving problems related to encoding knowledge; forms of relation with alterity and more concrete aspects of the scientific practice including access to financial support and the sustainability of lines and training initiatives. Special emphasis is given to the barriers imposed to publishing this kind of research and the challenges that interpose inventivity, rigor, in a scientific mode of production whose pace is increasingly intensified. Conclusion: This analysis highlights a set of challenges arising from contradictions between the nature, the foundations and values of qualitative approach and the hegemonic evaluative model in the academic setting. There are many questions about training in this specific view; spaces for discussion and exchange of experiences are quite limited, not to mention the lack of literature on the subject focused here.

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Author Biography

Maria Lúcia Magalhães Bosi, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Health Sciences, University of Toronto; PhD in Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; Master in Social Sciences, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; International Course Specialist in Food Sciences and Nutrition, Wageningen University; Nutrition specialist, Ministère des Affaires étrangères and specialist in maternal and infant nutrition, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Degree in psychology, University of Fortaleza, and in nutrition, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

Magalhães Bosi ML. Forming Researchers in Qualitative Health under Productivism: Sharing Concerns. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 Oct. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];33(S1):S30-S37. Available from: