Health and public policies: research and decision making relationship


  • Rubén D. Gómez University of Antioquia
  • Deisy A. Orozco University of Antioquia
  • Fabio L. Rodriguez University of Antioquia
  • William Velásquez University of Antioquia



Health policies, research, health services


Public policymaking and research are complementary pro-cesses. The former must solve specific issues and the latter must direct decision towards benefic social changes. There is not a single solid theory explaining the complex relations-hip between research and policymaking. This paper reviews conditions and trends which intervention could optimize the performance of research in the political field. Objective: toexplore the relationship between research and health policies determining conditions and trends that would allow an impro-vement in the intervention of researchers facing policymaking. Materials and methodology: bibliographical review. Results: different idealized models focus in the relationship between research and policymaking but they fail to explain why some interactions are successful and others not. Both research and policymaking are dynamic processes that do not always occur in the same way and which converging points are related to five dimensions: the central issue which both refer to, the per-sonal characteristics of the researchers and politicians, the way they develop their role, the pressures of sociopolitical contexts on researchers and policymakers and the potential impact of findings. Conclusion: potential influence of research on political decisions depends on multiple factors, some of which have been identified by the literature and could be manage by researchers. Reviewed literature suggests that a greater contact between researchers and policymakers should be promoted

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Author Biographies

Rubén D. Gómez, University of Antioquia

Professor National Faculty of Public Health

Deisy A. Orozco, University of Antioquia

Health Administration Student National School of Public Health

Fabio L. Rodriguez, University of Antioquia

Professor National Faculty of Public Health

William Velásquez, University of Antioquia

Professor National Faculty of Public Health


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How to Cite

Gómez RD, Orozco DA, Rodriguez FL, Velásquez W. Health and public policies: research and decision making relationship. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2008 Oct. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];24(2):1-14. Available from:



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