Sexualandreproductivehealth servicesaccordingtoadolescentsboys(Bucaramanga, Colombia)
services, sexual and reproductive health, adolescent boysAbstract
Adolescents face different dilemmas, which may happen to be not timely solved, pose major risks to health. Objective: To characterize the basic needs and expectations of male adolescents in Bucaramanga, Colombia, from its perception with respect to services for sexual and reproductive health(SRH). Methodology: qualitative ethnographic study, using a strategy of discussion groups. We used informal discussions, interviews and focal point. Was selected by a convenience sample of male adolescents in Bucaramanga, 2-6 strata, from public and private institutions, and school, between 13 and 18 years, with a total of 52 participants and 7 focus groups. Results: Despite the cultural and socioeconomic differences, young people are consistent in their perceptions, needs and expectations about sexuality and SRH services. The final analysis showed four categories: service experiences SSR, SSR ideal services, pornography and sexuality. Conclusions: It is apparent invisibility of the SSR and the perception of unfavorable, from the experience of those who know her. Nevertheless, adolescents need to consider this type of service. This research leads to reflection on the ignorance of young boys from their being, their feelings and their wish to be.
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