Notions and Perceptions of Girls, Boys and Adolescents About Sexuality
sexuality, childhood, perceptions, sexual education, sexual and reproductive righsAbstract
Objective: To explore children knowledge and perceptions about sexuality, exercise of sexual and reproductive rights and sex education. Methodology: A qualitative study was conducted through 25 semi-structured interviews with girls, boys and adolescents from 9 to 14 years old, in eight prioritized municipalities in Colombia. Results: In all the municipalities there was a widespread ignorance about the issues addressed, as well as reduced meanings and extremely negative perceptions about sexuality, sex education and sexual and reproductive rights and health; additionally were found strong gender stereotypes. Conclusions: perceptions and negative connotations assigned to the concepts that were inquired, accounted the limited and precarious sex education that girls and boys from these municipalities have received, which
mean that, despite that in the country there is a favorable legal framework and goals related to the comprehensive approach of sexuality from early childhood, these are not being met.
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