Disability and quality of life after a road traffic accident in Medellin. Cohort study
traffic accidents, functioning, quality of life, pain, depression, Medellín (Colombia).Abstract
Objective: To compare functioning, quality of life (QoL), pain, and depression at one year between adults under and over 60 years of age who had moderate and severe injuries in traffic accidents in Medellin and its metropolitan area.
Methods: Secondary analysis of two cohorts of patients with moderate and severe injuries that occurred in Medellín and its metropolitan area in 2009-2010 and 2015-2016. They were evaluated at baseline and 12 months with functioning (who-das ii), QoL (sf-36), pain (vas), and depression (phq-9). The differences between cohorts 12 months after the accident were compared with t-Student test. A multiple linear regression analysis was done to determine factors related to disability and QoL.
Results: 837 patients were included, 84,8% completed the follow-up. The motorcycle was the main vehicle involved (86,1% vs. 60,7). Better functioning was observed in people over 60 years of age in personal care, and greater commitment in activities of daily living, work and global functioning. QoL was significantly better in minors, in emotional performance, physical performance and physical function. In the multivariate analysis, the greater compromise in functioning was explained by being female, older, more severe injury, greater pain, and depression. The best QoL was explained by being male, younger, less severe injury, pain, and depressive symptoms.
Conclusions: Age, sex, injury severity, pain, and depression explain disability and QoL dimensions 12 months after the traffic accident
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