Chronic Kidney Disease in Agricultural Communities, review of the literature




renal insufficiency, chronic, kidney diseases, epidemiology, renal insufficiency, nephritis, interstitial, rural population, public health


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as an abnormality of the kidney structure or function for ≥ 3 months. This disease affects 10% to 15% of the world’s population, with diabetes, arterial hypertension, primary glomerulopathies and genetic disorders being the most common etiologies associated with this disease worldwide. Nevertheless, in low-income countries, other diseases causing CKD are also reported; among them, Mesoamerican nephropathy, which is a common cause of CKD in Mesoamerica, especially in the young male population, leading to loss of productive working capacity. In Colombia, the prevalence of CKD with unknown etiology is high and there are few studies on chronic kidney disease in agricultural communities, given that the agricultural population in Colombia is exposed to harmful climatic and ccupational agents similar to those in Mesoamerica, it is possible that this nephropathy is also a cause of CKD in our population. This article provides an overview of CKD in agricultural communities to sensitize health workers to the importance of screening for this disease in vulnerable populations, which could have a positive impact on the health of farmers.

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Author Biographies

John Fredy Nieto-Ríos, University of Antioquia

Internist Nephrologist, Department of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation, Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital. Medellín, Colombia. Internist Nephrologist, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.

Camilo Andrés García-Prada, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Pontifical Bolivarian University, Medellín, Colombia.

Daniel Vesga-Martín, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine.

Manuela Obregón-Giraldo, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Pontifical Bolivarian University, Medellín, Colombia.

Lina María Serna-Higuita, Eberhard Karls University

Pediatric Nephrologist, Eberhard Karls University, Institute for Clinical Epidemiology und Applied Biometrics, Tuebingen, Germany.


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2022-04-01 — Updated on 2022-05-06


How to Cite

Nieto-Ríos JF, García-Prada CA, Vesga-Martín D, Obregón-Giraldo M, Serna-Higuita LM. Chronic Kidney Disease in Agricultural Communities, review of the literature. Iatreia [Internet]. 2022 May 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];35(2):131-40. Available from:



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