Exergy diagnosis of the combustion process in a Diesel engine


  • Andrés Agudelo Universidad de Antioquia
  • John Agudelo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Pedro Benjumea Universidad Nacional de Colombia




Exergy analysis, combustion diagnosis, diesel engines


In this work a single-zone and two-species exergy diagnosis model is developed and applied for characterizing the operation of a diesel engine from a secondlaw standpoint. The model allows to study the in-cylinder process during the closed-valve period, and to determine how the exergy is distributed and what is the exergy potential of the losses. Experiments were carried out in a test bed equipped with an automotive, direct injection, turbocharged diesel engine operating at several loads. Combustion diagnosis was made from instantaneous in-cylinder pressure signal and the main operation parameters of the engine were measured in order to guarantee steady state. Irreversibilities and exergy distribution throughout the process were determined. It was found that combustion is the main source of irreversibilities. Results show that exergy destruction decreases as load increases, which mainly led to an increase in the exergy of exhaust gases. Additionally, the cogeneration potential of the engine was identified, exhibiting significant differences between first and second-law results.

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Author Biographies

Andrés Agudelo, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Manejo Eficiente de la Energía –GIMEL–

John Agudelo , Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Manejo Eficiente de la Energía –GIMEL–

Pedro Benjumea, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Grupo de Combustibles Alternativos


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How to Cite

Agudelo, A., Agudelo , J., & Benjumea, P. (2013). Exergy diagnosis of the combustion process in a Diesel engine. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (45), 41–53. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.17965

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