No. 85 (2017): Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Oct-Dec 2017)
|Abstract = 132 veces | PDF = 119 veces|
Fusion of WorldView2 images using Contourlet, Curvelet and Ridgelet transforms for edge enhancement
|Abstract = 953 veces | PDF = 238 veces| -
Maintenance of generation units coordinated with annual hydrothermal scheduling using a hybrid technique
|Abstract = 356 veces | PDF = 208 veces| -
Wind integrated time series load flow analysis for a practical distribution system
|Abstract = 250 veces | PDF = 232 veces| -
Distribution systems state estimation for distributed generation re-synchronization
|Abstract = 337 veces | PDF = 231 veces| -
Transit-oriented development in the metropolitan governance: a comparison between the Colombian case and the South Korean experience
|Abstract = 382 veces | PDF = 259 veces| -
Identification and characterization of regional water flows contributing to the recharge of an unconfined aquifer
|Abstract = 598 veces | PDF = 285 veces| -
Refractive index desensitized optical fiber temperature sensor
|Abstract = 522 veces | PDF = 171 veces|