Typical food from Boyacá, Colombia


  • Óscar Alfonso Vega Castro Universidad de Antioquia
  • Francy Nataly López Barón National University of Colombia




typical food, food consumption, culinary preparations, Colombia.


The present work presents a sample of typical meals of Boyacá-Colombia. It also describes some foods, their originand the importance of them for indigenous communities. The purpose was to compile the memory of some Colombian culinary traditions specifically those in Boyacá. The manuscript includes a report of the most produced foods and anapproximation to the most representative dishes of the diet of this region, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, beveragesand snacks. Finally, we present a gastronomic map of the region and a chart with the different occasions where certain dishes are consumed. We concluded that Boyaca´s cuisine is diverse. However, it is threatened for new cultural influences and lifestyles. Therefore, it is important to return to our roots to avoid losing the horizon and the identity.

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Author Biographies

Óscar Alfonso Vega Castro, Universidad de Antioquia

BIOALI Group. Food Department, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellin Colombia.

Francy Nataly López Barón, National University of Colombia

Research Group in Food Science and Technology, National University of Colombia. Medellin Colombia.


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How to Cite

Vega Castro, Óscar A., & López Barón, F. N. (2013). Typical food from Boyacá, Colombia. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 14(2), 211–221. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.penh.16490



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