Sociocultural Practices and Representations Associated with Early Weaning Among a Group of Venezuelan Adolescent Mothers


  • Gabriela Escalona Rojas Instituto Nacional de Nutrición



Adolescence, early weaning, breastfeeding, identity, sociocultural environment.


Background: In Venezuela, the practice of breastfeeding among adolescent mothers has been based on inadequate guidelines which has resulted in early weaning. It is important to study this phenomenon from a multi-dimensional orientation, as the analysis of the sociocultural processes serves to clarify these guidelines and may help preserve a fundamental feeding practice. Objective: To understand the sociocultural practices associated with early weaning among a group of Venezuelan adolescent mothers from the subjective dimension of mental representations. Materials and Methods: A qualitative study is designed, using Grounded Theory to create a substantive theory. Additionally, participant observation and in-depth interviews were performed with 13 adolescent mothers. Results: Representations and sociocultural practices expressed themselves through three main linkages that highlight the pattern of abandonment of breastfeeding. First, the identity reconfiguration of the adolescent concerning breastfeeding was closely related to the apprehension of what maternity constitutes for others. Second, a discrepancy emerged between what is mentioned at the level of discourse and the putting in practice of this knowledge. Finally, the doctors and relatives played an influential role by suggesting the introduction of milk formulas from the first month of age. Conclusions: Breastfeeding is an acquired knowledge that requires the support from the family so it can be a successful event. The abandonment of breastfeeding is a phenomenon related with the perception the adolescent has about herself and how an identity is constructed.

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Author Biography

Gabriela Escalona Rojas, Instituto Nacional de Nutrición

Anthropologist. Researcher at the Directorate of Nutritional Studies.


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How to Cite

Escalona Rojas, G. (2017). Sociocultural Practices and Representations Associated with Early Weaning Among a Group of Venezuelan Adolescent Mothers. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 18(2), 171–186.


