Changes in the Body Mass Index After Vertical Gastrectomy in a Group of Patients of a Clinic in the City of Medellín, 2016-2018


  • Laura Villanueva Montes UNIREMINGTON
  • Daniela Atehortúa Montes UNIREMINGTON
  • Hernán Darío Restrepo Clínica Medellín
  • Jairo León Cardona Jiménez UNIREMINGTON



Obesity, body mass index, surgery bariatric, loss weight, feeding behavior.


Background: The WHO defines obesity as an excess deposit of fat that can be harmful to health with a great social impact. In the last two decades, bariatric surgery has increased as an alternative to reduce excess weight and body fat, of which we highlight the vertical gastrectomy. Objective: To describe the change in Body Mass Index, dietary behaviors, and physical activity in a group of patients undergoing vertical Gastrectomy surgery in a clinic in Medellin, Colombia between 2016-2018. Materials and Methods: Retrospective descriptive study, in which medical records were reviewed in 49 patients, 13 men and 36 women, who underwent vertical gastrectomy in a private clinic in Medellin. Results: Patients started with an average BMI of 34.2 kg/m2 and one year post-surgery they descended to an average BMI of 24.4 kg/m2 (p=0.00); also, an improvement in eating habits such as eating between meals, and less consumption of sweets and soft drinks was found. Conclusions: Vertical Gastrectomy surgery proves to be an appropriate technique for decreasing BMI, at least in the first year post-operative.

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Author Biographies

Laura Villanueva Montes, UNIREMINGTON

Medical student

Daniela Atehortúa Montes, UNIREMINGTON

Medical Student

Hernán Darío Restrepo, Clínica Medellín

Physician and Surgeon, specialist in laparoscopic and bariatric surgery

Jairo León Cardona Jiménez, UNIREMINGTON

Nutritionist-Dietitian, Master in Epidemiology.


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How to Cite

Villanueva Montes, L., Atehortúa Montes, D., Restrepo, H. D., & Cardona Jiménez, J. L. (2018). Changes in the Body Mass Index After Vertical Gastrectomy in a Group of Patients of a Clinic in the City of Medellín, 2016-2018. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 20(2), 171–182.


