Comparison of Three Types of Nutrition Label on Processed Food Packages in Peru, 2019




Food Labelling, Product Labeling, Nutritional Labeling, Nutritional Facts, Nutritional Information, Nutritional Value


Background: A front-of-package nutrition label is a tool to help guide food selection towards a balanced  healthy diet. Objective: To understand the model of front-of-package nutrition label that most influences the understanding of calories and important nutrients in processed food products in adult participants in Lima, Peru. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental cross-sectional study with 384 participant adults of both sexes. Participants were distributed into four equal groups: no nutritional labeling; daily food guide; stop sign warning labeling; and daily food guide with a traffic light symbol. Each participant was given a questionnaire with 10 pictures of food packaging with the labeling model that corresponded to their randomized group, along with 10 additional questions, for a total of 20 possible questionnaire points. Points were given for correct answers to the 20 questions on the questionnaire, such as identifying correctly the number of calories and/or critical nutrients. Results: The highest total scores were for the daily food guide-traffic light group (12.1 ± 3.9) and daily food guide group (12.1 ± 3.7), with significant differences with respect to the other two groups. There were also differences in the scores of the identification of calories, saturated fat, and total fat; the highest values were for the same two groups indicated above (p <0.05). No differences in food labels were found for the identification of sugars or sodium. Conclusions: The daily food guide and daily food guide-traffic light models most influence the identification of calories and critical nutrients.

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Author Biographies

Vannya Inés Pineda Soto, Feminine University of the Sacred Heart

Master in Nutrition and Dietetics. Feminine University of the Sacred Heart. Lima, Peru.

Ela Leila del Socorro Estrada Oré, State University of Campinas

M. Sc. Food Engineering University of Massachusetts, EE. UU. PhD in Food Engineering State University of Campinas, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Pineda Soto, V. I., & del Socorro Estrada Oré, E. L. (2020). Comparison of Three Types of Nutrition Label on Processed Food Packages in Peru, 2019. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 22(1), 35–45.


