Correlation Between Anthropometric Indicators and Leptin Levels in Mothers and Children. Cali, Colombia, 2012-2013




Overweight, obesity, leptin, body mass index, preschoolers, diet, risk, anthropometry


Background: Obesity is a risk factor for non-communicable chronic diseases. Objective: Explore the relationship between anthropometric indicators and leptin levels in a group of mothers and their children. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study in 74 mother-child pairs from Cali, Colombia. Sociodemographic characterization, anthropometric evaluations, and serum leptin measurements were performed in 56 mothers and 26 children. Correlation coefficients were used between anthropometric indicators and leptin. Results: 35.5% of mothers had excess weight, 80% had high body fat, and leptin levels of 20.5 ng/dL. The children were 20.7 ± 2.4 months old; 8.2% presented with excess weight; 4.1% had acute malnutrition, and leptin levels of 1.85 ng/dL. In mothers and children, the correlations between anthropometric indicators were significant and positive, the same with leptin in mothers, but in children leptin only correlated weakly with weight / height and BMI-age. Leptin in mothers was weakly correlated with anthropometric indicators in children, but not vice versa. Conclusion: The prevalence of excess weight was high in mothers and less so in their children. Leptin in mothers weakly correlated with anthropometric indicators in their children, but not vice versa.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Armando Echandía Álvarez, Universidad del Valle

Corresponding author. PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Full Professor, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, School of Health, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Dolly Villegas Arenas, Universidad Santiago de Cali

MSc, in Epidemiology and Master in Health Administration, Professor, Nursing Program, Faculty of Health, University of Santiago de Cali. Santiago de Cali. Cali, Colombia.

Connie Alejandra Echandía, University San Buenaventura

Clinical Psychology, Professor, Psychology Program, Faculty of Humanities, Universidad San Buenaventura, Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Echandía Álvarez, C. A., Villegas Arenas, D. ., & Echandía, C. A. (2020). Correlation Between Anthropometric Indicators and Leptin Levels in Mothers and Children. Cali, Colombia, 2012-2013. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana, 22(2), 189–200.


