Space, architecture and school


  • Humberto Quiceno Castrillón


Education buildings, space, architecture, dominance relations, teaching relations


The learning space, especially in schools, has been analyzed in terms of categories such as air or soil, it is, substrate or frontier. The intervention of historians, philosophers, and urbanists has been necessary in order to change this conception. Today, the learning space is understood in connection to economical and political aspects, as well as to relations of power and knowledge, and to the problems of life and knowledge. These new approaches, perspectives and points of view should be connected to pedagogical proposals for the construction of learning spaces. This is precisely the core of this article: to show how space is related to power and knowledge. It is not just a matter of saying "culture, society or subject"; it is a more specific matter: relations of dominance and control, and teaching relations.

How to reference this article:

Quiceno Castrillón, Humberto, “Espacio, arquitectura y escuela”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. 21, núm. 54, mayo-agosto, 2009, pp. 11-27.

Received: may 2009

Accepted: june 2009

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Author Biography

Humberto Quiceno Castrillón

Profesor del Instituto de Educación y
Pedagogía, Universidad del Valle.
Miembro del Grupo de Investigación
Historia de las Prácticas Pedagógicas
en Colombia.


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Deleuze, Gilles y Félix Guattari, 1993, ¿Qué es la filosofía? Barcelona, Anagrama.

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Kant, Inmanuel, 1990, Pedagogía, Madrid, Akal.

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Nieto Caballero, Agustín, 1966, Una escuela, Bogotá, Antares

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Rousseau, Juan Jacobo, 1990, Emilio o de la educación, Madrid, Alianza.



How to Cite

Quiceno Castrillón, H. (2011). Space, architecture and school. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 21(54), 11–27. Retrieved from


