A pedagogical proposal: Wich education? Which schooling?


  • Arley Fabio Ossa Montoya University of Antioquia
  • Joel Padilla Ruiz Corporación Universitaria Adventista
  • Ángela Urrego Tobón Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid


This article is a product of the research project the social founding commitment of the Schools of Education gathered around ASCOFADES, Antioquia-Chocó chapter, and their pedagogical proposals motivated by legal, conceptual, and contextual requirements in the latest decade, carried out with a critical and hermeneutical design with the intention of reconstructing, from an archeological perspective, some sociocultural contexts of production and reproduction of social knowledge. Based on such methodology, the category of pedagogical proposal is conceptualized and three perspectives of the conceptual field of pedagogy are presented, thus making the pedagogical proposals of Schools of Education more visible. This article also verifies the adscriptions of Schools of Education, which have traditionally adopted conceptions of formation and education, usually from the perspectives of education technology, criticism (the resistance to processes of educative modernization and mechanization), and the vindication of organizational forms that favor political participation. The final section of the article is devoted to the pedagogical positions that promoted the educative proposals of the Faculties of Education in the Antioquia-Chocó chapter.

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Author Biography

Arley Fabio Ossa Montoya, University of Antioquia

Doctor, Master and Bachelor of Education. Professor and researcher at the University of Antioquia. Member of the Interuniversity research group on the History of Pedagogical Practice in Colombia.



How to Cite

Ossa Montoya, A. F., Padilla Ruiz, J., & Urrego Tobón, Ángela. (2012). A pedagogical proposal: Wich education? Which schooling?. Uni-Pluriversidad, 12(1), 86–97. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/unip/article/view/13281




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