Assessment of education quality at Universidad de Antioquia: a deconstructive approach
participation, deconstruction, teacher training, mancipation, postmodernism, autonomyAbstract
With a deconstructive perspective, this article seeks to analyze the way education quality is assessed in higher education. It shows the prevalence of instrumental approaches that usually exclude and hide the interests and senses of teachers and students. The article begins by developing a conceptual approach on education quality assessment in higher education, and then it deconstructively analyzes the model used at Universidad de Antioquia.
This conceptual and methodological overview shows how the quality approach under use determines the notions of both assessment and higher education: assessment is perceived as a practice mediated and enlightened by a theoretical position traversed by communication, language, and agreements, as well as an educational event that contributes to the formation of human beings and to the organization that sets up evaluation processes. On the other hand, quality is defined as dominated by a utilitarian approach, which ends up by downgrading education, curriculums and even teacher training.
This article suggests that each program and each institution commit themselves to an educational process characterized by public debates, adopting an assessment culture and thus generating a real participatory process of conscious and autonomous self-evaluation for self-improvement. Such culture would promote joint decisions in order to go beyond technical-instrumental approaches by interacting with the people involved, seeking the strengthening and improvement of educational practices in the first place.
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