The autobiographical narration of the teacher’s office: about the book album as a possibility to rethink the university didactics
university didactics, book album, auto biographical narrative, schoolsAbstract
The objective of the following article is to present the results of the didactic innovation amongst teachers: from the classroom to the academy, which introduces a question for university teaching learning and invites to recognize the political responsibility at the school and ethical responsibility at the masters who inhabited.
This he does by presenting the album books as a didactic resource with which you can interpellate the hegemonic school forms and establish a link between the school and the academy. All the about is the result at the two phases of the didactic innovation, developed with teachers information of the bachelor ́s degree in the first phase, and teachers of public and private schools, university teachers in the second phase.
To achieve this purpose, the first part presents the contextualization at the didactic innovation developed with in the frame work of the call for didactic innovation I and II of the educational and pedagogical research center (CIEP) from the university of Antioquia, in the second part conceptual referents are offered that delimit the discussion field university: didactic and album books and in the third part the main finding are displayed what makes it possible to identify the importance of thinking about tender training from processes that allows them to recognize the experience of the school that has not been theorized too.
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