A School Mathematical Modeling Experience in an Environmental Education Context
Mathematics Education, Mathematical Modeling, Socio-critical perspective, Teacher-student, Enviromental EducationAbstract
In this article we report a classroom experience of mathematical modeling for primary education. The experience was guided by the socio-critical perspective of mathematical modeling and its purpose was to identify how first grade students (6-7 years old) critically approached environmental problems by means of mathematical modeling. 24 first-grade students from an educational institution in the city of Medellín participated; they reflected on the environment in relation to the pollution generated by the consumption of straws and plastic bags; and considered how the reuse of such waste contributes to its reduction. We were also able to identify students used school grade concepts, associated to numerical thinking mainly. Also, the results of the experience report possibilities and ways of developing mathematical modeling processes and integrating contexts and problems of the Environmental Education.
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