Impact of osmodehydrated Andean berry (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) on overweight adults


  • David Torres Universidad de Antioquia
  • Camilo Reyez-Dieck Universidad de Antioquia
  • Emerson Gallego Universidad de Antioquia
  • Ana Gómez-García Universidad de Antioquia
  • Gladys Posada Universidad de Antioquia
  • Maria Elena Maldonado-Celis Universidad de Antioquia



Vaccinium meridional, overweight, osmotic dehydration, berry, blood pressure


Background: Andean berry (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) is a native Colombian berry with potential health benefit comparable to cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), both rich in phenolic compounds with a wide range of biological activities. Objectives: to evaluate the effect of Andean berry consumption on blood biochemical parameters (lipid profile and glucose), anthropometric parameters (body weight, waist circumference, body mass index or BMI) and blood pressure of overweight adults. Methods: glycemia, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and total triglycerides in blood serum, body weight, size and waist perimeter, and blood pressure were analyzed in 25 overweight adults at day 1 and 21 after consumption of 35 g/day of osmodehydrated Andean berry. Results: a significant reduction in diastolic blood pressure (10%, p = 0.0388), systolic blood pressure (6%, p = 0.0400), BMI (1.7%, p = 0.0306), weight (2%, p = 0.0388) and waist circumference (4.1%, p = 0.0052) were observed in the participants who completed the study. However, the lipid profile did not have a significant effect, the glycemia increased significantly (6.9%, p = 0.0004). Conclusions: the results of the present study suggest that the regular consumption of Andean berry treated by osmotic dehydration is a food that may help control weight and blood pressure; however, it requires another type of osmotic agent to prevent the increase of glycemia.
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Author Biographies

David Torres, Universidad de Antioquia

Estudiante de Pregrado, Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética, Grupo Impacto de los Componentes Alimentarios en la Salud ICAS

Camilo Reyez-Dieck, Universidad de Antioquia

Estudiante de Pregrado, Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética, Grupo Impacto de los Componentes Alimentarios en la Salud ICAS

Emerson Gallego, Universidad de Antioquia

Estudiante de Maestría. Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética. Grupo Impacto de los Componentes Alimentarios en la Salud ICAS

Ana Gómez-García, Universidad de Antioquia

Docente. Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética. Grupo Impacto de los Componentes Alimentarios en la Salud ICAS

Gladys Posada, Universidad de Antioquia

Docente. Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética. Grupo Impacto de los Componentes Alimentarios en la Salud ICAS

Maria Elena Maldonado-Celis, Universidad de Antioquia

Docente. Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética. Grupo Impacto de los Componentes Alimentarios en la Salud ICAS


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How to Cite

Torres, D., Reyez-Dieck, C., Gallego, E., Gómez-García, A., Posada, G., & Maldonado-Celis, M. E. (2018). Impact of osmodehydrated Andean berry (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) on overweight adults. Vitae, 25(3), 141–147.



Pharmacology and Toxicology

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