Sociological approach in sport: a case in the initiation to futsal/soccer of a brazilian club


  • André Felipe Caregnato Federal University of Paraná
  • Carlos Eduardo Gonçalves University of Coimbra
  • José Roulien de Andrade-Junior Federal University of Paraná
  • Camile Luciane Silva Federal University of Paraná
  • Fernando Renato Cavichiolli Federal University of Paraná



sport, youth, settings


Aims: To analyze the context of sports initiation in young male athletes in a team of a Curitiba’s (Brazil) five-a-side soccer/football club and how the relations take place between individuals of this setting. Method: An inductive analysis was performed through the categories: configuration; shaping of the teams; group of parents; the competition; the technical; relationship between individuals, parallel to a discussion of the data obtained from the perspective of sociology authors. Data were collected throughout six months of observation at their training settings and during the games. Semi-structured interviews of 9 subjects were also conducted. Data were analyzed following the procedures of Bardin’s content analysis. Results: It was identified that the permanency whithin the team is an incorporated habitus on the studied configuration, mainly caused by the young athlete's expectations to become professional soccer player. 

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Author Biographies

André Felipe Caregnato, Federal University of Paraná

Postgraduate Student in Physical Education at the Federal University of Paraná. Member of the Center for Research in Sport, Leisure and Society (CEPELS) 

Carlos Eduardo Gonçalves, University of Coimbra

PhD from the University of Coimbra. Professor Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education

José Roulien de Andrade-Junior, Federal University of Paraná

PhD student at the Federal University of Paraná. Member of the Center for Research in Sport, Leisure and Society (CEPELS) 

Camile Luciane Silva, Federal University of Paraná

Postgraduate Student in Physical Education at the Federal University of Paraná. Member of the Center for Research in Sport, Leisure and Society (CEPELS) 

Fernando Renato Cavichiolli, Federal University of Paraná

PhD in Education from the Methodist University of Piracicaba. Post-Doctorate by the University of Coimbra. Professor of the Graduate Program and Researcher Research Center for Sport, Leisure and Society (CEPELS).


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How to Cite

Caregnato, A. F., Gonçalves, C. E., Andrade-Junior, J. R. de ., Silva, C. L., & Cavichiolli, F. R. (2017). Sociological approach in sport: a case in the initiation to futsal/soccer of a brazilian club. Educación Física Y Deporte, 35(1), 177–212.



Research articles