What Has Been Understood by Health and Sickness?
disagreements and disputes, sickness, sickness behaviour, life cycle stages, socioeconomic factors, value of life, knowledgeAbstract
This article aims to highlight the main approaches and concepts applied on health and sickness throughout history. What we call health and sickness are patterns assumed by people's and groups' lives as consequence of the social metabolism. This is a concept that denotes the set of exchanges between nature and society caused by human work. The notions of health and sickness are complex social constructions that have changed among human groups influenced by particular historic conditions. In this seminar, we will examine the concept of social metabolism as determinant for the patters assumed by human life, including enjoyment and suffering. We will also examine the course of life approaches, that aim to explain how and why our existence changes. Afterwards, we will examine five of the main paradigms that, according to the official discourse, have influenced the way in which health and sickness are understood in the Western culture: a) the ancient Naturalist Conception; b) the medieval Religious Paradigm; c) the ancient Physical Paradigm; d) the modern Scientific Paradigm; e) Functionalism. These discourses derive from a medicalisation of health and sickness, which conceives sicknesses as biological disorders empirically observable, and health as a unique norm regulating all lives. We will also examine criticism made to Positivism by Leriche and Canguilhem. Finally, we will analyse the way in which Popular Knowledge conceives and values health and sickness. It is expected that these class notes generate a debate in order to conceptualise human suffering in broader and more integral category.
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