Motivations and Limitations of Specialist Physicians in Conducting Clinical Research in a High-Complexity Hospital in Colombia




Biomedical Research, Physicians, Research, Research Personnel, Research Support as Topic


Introduction: Clinical researcher physicians play a pivotal role in the evolution of medical literature, forming the backbone upon which clinical practice rests. Their contributions enhance the quality of medical services and the overall healthcare system. However, there’s a dearth of understanding about their motivations and barriers to conducting research.
Objective: To elucidate the motivations and limitations specialist physicians encounter when striving to undertake research roles in a high-complexity private hospital in Colombia.
Methods: A hermeneutic study was conducted utilizing grounded theory techniques. Thirty semi-structured interviews were administered to 20 specialist physicians from the Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital. Open coding was employed, grouping codes into descriptive categories, identifying properties and dimensions of grounded theory. Axial coding was instrumental in depicting tensions between the motivations and limitations of research.
Results: Identified motivations for engaging in research included institutional and professional recognition and prestige, particularly supported by the Hospital, and additional financial incentives from both pharmaceutical industry studies and personal endeavors. Barriers emphasized included a lack of foundational training in research, combined with a competitive atmosphere among peers, and the bureaucratic and protocol-driven nature of studies, leading to disinterest.
Conclusions: Despite the institutional support for fostering research at this establishment, the national context reveals an absence of a robust research culture that actively encourages healthcare professionals to spearhead either
independent or institutional research. Often, the barriers outweigh the motivations to engage in such endeavors

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Author Biographies

Lilliana María Montoya-Ochoa, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe

Physiotherapist, specialist in Integral Management

Juan Pablo Villegas-Molina, Universidad de Antioquia

Physician, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.

Ximena Alejandra Pérez-Ricci, Universidad de Antioquia

Physician, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.

Carlos Enrique Yepes-Delgado, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia

Profesor, Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Antioquia. Epidemiólogo, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Medellín, Colombia.  


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How to Cite

Montoya-Ochoa LM, Villegas-Molina JP, Pérez-Ricci XA, Yepes-Delgado CE. Motivations and Limitations of Specialist Physicians in Conducting Clinical Research in a High-Complexity Hospital in Colombia. Iatreia [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 22 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];37(1). Available from:



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