College of Engineering, University of Antioquia from the 1980 decade up the future


  • Asdrúbal Valencia-Giraldo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Álvaro Gaviria-Ortiz Universidad de Antioquia



Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Ingeniería, Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Escuela de Ciencias Químicas, Escuela de Minería, Academia de Ingenieros Militares, Francisco José de Caldas


In the year 2003, the College of Engineering of the University of Antioquia arrives to 60 years from its more recent foundation; this is so, because this College was the first School of Engineering in Colombia and really has a long history that goes back to the Independence times. In fact, at the end of August, 1814, in Medellín, the first Colombian Academy of Military Engineers was inaugurated, under the guidance of “coronel injeniero general”, Francisco José de Caldas, and functioned up to September 25, 1815.

So, the evolution of our College is quite long and deserves to be related and kept in the common memory. For that reason, this anniversary is a good excuse for briefly present this history of an entity that now enters its third century of existence. In this second issue an account is done from the 1980 decade up to the future.

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Author Biographies

Asdrúbal Valencia-Giraldo, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor. Departamento de Ingeniería de Materiales.

Álvaro Gaviria-Ortiz, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor. Departamernto de Ingeniería Electrónica.


Esta recolección está basada en documentos que reposan en los archivos de la Universidad, en entrevistas personales a los protagonistas y en la experiencia directa de los autores.




How to Cite

Valencia-Giraldo, A., & Gaviria-Ortiz, Álvaro. (2003). College of Engineering, University of Antioquia from the 1980 decade up the future. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (30), 169–182.

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