No. 87 (2018): Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Apr-Jun 2018)
|Abstract = 142 veces | PDF = 141 veces|
Early fault detection in SiC-MOSFET with application in boost converter
|Abstract = 442 veces | PDF = 274 veces| -
Latency analysis on W-band hybrid fiber-wireless link using software defined radio in real time
|Abstract = 356 veces | PDF = 223 veces| -
Clay surface characteristics using atomic force microscopy
|Abstract = 732 veces | PDF = 281 veces| -
Multi-objective optimization in biotechnological processes: application to plant cell suspension cultures of Thevetia peruviana
|Abstract = 452 veces | PDF = 216 veces| -
Evaluation of the effect of the synthesis method on the performance of manganese spinel as cathode material in lithium-ion batteries
|Abstract = 741 veces | PDF = 353 veces| -
Evaluation of stresses and deflections in expanded metal plates subjected to transverse loading
|Abstract = 289 veces | PDF = 184 veces| -
Modeling and control of processes using the EMSO simulator and SIMATIC PLC as OPC inter-face
|Abstract = 498 veces | PDF = 266 veces| -
Conceptual clustering: a new approach to student modeling in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
|Abstract = 423 veces | PDF = 189 veces| -
Polyurethane flexible foam recycling via glycolysis using Zn/Sn/Al hydrotalcites as heterogeneous catalyst
|Abstract = 615 veces | PDF = 318 veces|
General Information
Call for papers
|Abstract = 174 veces | PDF = 47 veces| -
ExpoIngenieria 2018
|Abstract = 97 veces | PDF = 59 veces|