About the Journal


Scope and editorial policy

Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana is a scientific publication from the School of Nutrition and Dietetics at the Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.  Its mission is the development and dissemination of academic and research advances in the various fields of nutrition, foods and feeding, and dietetics, aimed at an audience of students and professionals who make use of knowledge in this area.

The journal has been published each semester, without interruption, since 1999, making it a reference for research in human nutrition in Colombia as well as other countries in Latin America.


This journal is included in the following indexing services:

Publication Frequency

This journal publishes its issues with a biannual periodicity and with one volume per year, both in its electronic version and in its printed version.

Section Policies


Documents written by a member of the Editorial Board or by a guest researcher on subjects within the scope of the journal.


Scientific and/or technological documents that describe, in detail, the original results of research projects.

Review articles

Documents that review research literature and in which published or unpublished research findings are analyzed, systematized, and integrated to describe advances and trends in food science and nutrition. The aim of this type of article is to analyze the current literature concerning a particular topic and provide perspective. Review articles are characterized by detailed summaries of the body of literature in a field and should cite at least 50 references.

Reflection Articles

Document that presents a specific topic from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the author. It contains approaches and generalizations to fill gaps in knowledge or provide solutions, but it can perfectly leave the door open for the position to be refuted by another researcher. The reflection articles respond to the formal organization of the research articles, but do not present the results and discussion sections.

Peer Review Process

The receipt of a manuscript does not constitute an obligation on the part of the Editorial Board to publish it.

All manuscripts submitted to Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana are peer-reviewed in a double-blind process in which both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review. Evaluators are selected based on experience, reputation, and recommendation by their academic peers.

The manuscript evaluation procedure is as follows. When a manuscript arrives to Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana, a member of the Editorial Board analyzes the manuscript to verify compliance with the requirements of the Journal and to assess the quality of the article. The manuscript is then discussed with the Editorial Board, who may decide to reject it based on lack of interest or more specific deficiencies. If there are needed some changes, authors are notified. Manuscripts that meet the requirements of the Editorial Board are sent out for review by two national or international academic peer, who must give a written concept in the established format for this, through the platform Open Journal System.  If there is disagreement between the first two reviewers, then the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer. The expert reviewers make recommendations based on academic rigor, whether the manuscript meets the objectives of the Journal, and the overall quality of the manuscript. Finally, the reviewers make one of three conclusions: accept unchangedaccept conditionally, or reject.

Manuscripts accepted conditionally are returned to authors with a letter requesting the authors to make specific changes and to provide an explanation if specific suggestions are not be followed. The authors must send the new version using the platform within 10 (ten) calendar days since the date of notification. After receiving the revised manuscript, the editor inspects the changes and then either accepts or rejects the manuscript.

Relevant editorial changes will be made to accepted manuscripts. Following editing, the authors will receive galley proofs of the article, which should be carefully checked and returned observations to the Director within a maximum of 48 hours.

The manuscript is published online and in printed version.

Editorial Process

The Editor or a member of the Editorial Committee reviews manuscripts submitted to Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana If the submission abides by the policies of the journal, the Editor contacts two experts for evaluation in a double-blind process, described in the section peer review process.

Acceptance: When the Editor confirms that the manuscript complies with all of the requirements of publication, the authors are notified. Once various manuscripts have been accepted, the Editor selects six to seven, as well as the order in which they will appear, for the release of the latest edition of the journal.

Copyediting: the review and adjustment of the manuscript includes editing, coherence, spelling, titling, citation and references, and other details.

Layout: the final version of the article is sent to a publishing company that organizes the text according to the established design. Support staff and the respective author review the proofs for corrections and adjustments within a maximum of 48 hours, which can take several iterations. The publisher sends the final articles in PDF format for dissemination and for the journal website.

Publication: The printed version is similar to the electronic version and is increasingly less needed, generally only for distribution to institutions that require journals in this format.

No-pay Policy

Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana does not charge the authors for the application, the evaluation process or the publication of the articles; nor does it pay the reviewers for the evaluations or charge the readers for downloading the complete articles.

Open Access Policy

Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana is committed to open access policies, defined by UNESCO as providing free access to academic and peer-reviewed scientific information. In compliance with this directive, free and immediate access to articles is provided through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform.

The Journal is licensed by Creative Commons as Attribution - Non-commercial - Equal Sharing. It allows others to distribute, remix, retouch, and create from your work in a non-commercial way, as long as they give you credit and license their new creations under the same conditions..

Ethical Considerations

Any author who presents contributions to Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana must professionally and ethically commit to certify that their contributions are unpublished, with a clear and appropriate handling of data and sources, and free from any form of scientific fraud or plagiarism and not subject to another publication, while under evaluation by the Journal. Perspectives on Human Nutrition will definitively reject the manuscripts evidencing plagiarism.

The authors undertake to comply with international, national and institutional guidelines and requirements for studies in humans or animals. Authors must confirm that the research has been requested and approved by an ethics committee and obtain permission to reproduce any content from other sources.

The Journal undertakes to comply with and respect the norms of ethical conduct at all stages of the evaluation, editing and publication process.

Reviewers should report to the editor if they detect any conflict of interest in the article, or if they themselves have any impediments to participating as reviewers. They should also undertake not to use the articles, not to comment on them, or to contact the author to discuss related topics. The Journal adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics. (COPE): http://publicationethics.org/files/u2/New_Code.pdf

Conflict of interest

The authors must expose the relationships that may create conflicts of interest; in the case of not existing it is recorded in the final part of the article, in this way: The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.

Informed consent

If applicable, the article must account for the agreement by which the subject of investigation authorizes their participation in the investigation, with the security that the confidentiality of the information related to their privacy will be maintained.

Anti-plagiarism software

In order to guarantee good ethical practices, the Journal uses CrossCheck anti-plagiarism software in its editing process.


Carrera 75 N° 65-87, Bloque 45, Ciudadela Robledo

Help sources

The publication of this Journal is financed by the Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética of the Universidad de Antioquia and by the fund of support to the indexed journals of the Vice Rector of Research of the Universidad de Antioquia.